Who are you really? The awakening

Posted by Patrice Smith

It has been about two years since I last posted on this blog, and it is my hope that it has remained relevant and helpful in the interim of my absence, to many.
I have embarked on a new journey, a spiritual journey. I will use this as my platform of discovery. It would be lovely if you would join me.

For the beginning of this journey: Who are you?

I have gathered that I am, we are... infinite, a fantastically complex being that is capable of so much more than we think.
I have gathered that our thoughts (energy) govern our lives, manifesting into anything we think about.

Watch the video below:

Isn't this reassuring? Imagine your potential, your UNLIMITED potential - you are what the whole universe is doing right now.

Until next time, keep climbing, reaching and achieving. Namaste.


  1. Findia Group said...

    Thanks for sharing!